Greetings from Head of School Eliza McLaren

Greetings from Head of School Eliza McLaren

Dear Wellington Community,

Today I have the great and humble honor of beginning my tenure as Wellington’s sixth Head of School. I wanted to reach out to you right away to express how excited I am to be joining this incredible and committed community and to thank so many of you for the warm welcome my family and I have already received. A few weeks ago, my husband, our two children, three pets (two cats and a dog), and I drove from Maryland to Ohio. We have spent the days since settling into our new house and exploring Columbus, which is already starting to feel like home. We could not be more delighted to have landed in such a vibrant city and to be joining this school community.

When I first visited Wellington nearly a year ago, I was struck by the sense of palpable joy I have since learned is distinctly Wellington. I felt an immediate and strong connection to the School and everyone I met, a feeling which has grown and grown in the months since. From the very first moment, I was drawn to Wellington’s powerful and boldly stated mission and values, and as I have spent time with members of the community, it has become evident to me how deeply embedded these statements are.

Mission: We help students find their purpose and realize their potential for tomorrow's world.
Values: Be Curious, Be Yourself, Be Ambitious, Be Empathetic, Be Responsible

As an educator, I care deeply that the academic environment in our school challenges and supports students as they strive towards a high standard of excellence. As a school leader, my responsibility is to ensure that our school is a place in which learning is happening always and everywhere. This culture of ambitious learning exists at Wellington and originated with its founders whose big dream of building a better kind of school cultivated an evergreen culture of innovation and optimism. I am so thrilled to have joined a school whose mission I truly believe in. I commit to you that I will dedicate myself whole-heartedly to ensuring this mission continues while Wellington, just like its students, grows ever closer to its purpose and potential.

My first year at Wellington will be an important time for me to learn what it means to be a Jag. My immediate priority is getting to know and understand the community, and I am excited to hear your stories and learn why and how Wellington has been important in your lives. Before we embark on any future changes or develop a vision for Wellington’s future, I need to understand where we are now and how we got here.

Over the course of the last ten months, a dedicated group of Wellington Trustees and staff members has been incredibly supportive during this time of transition. I would like to particularly recognize and thank outgoing Head of School, Jeff Terwin, and Board Chair, Jim Croft, for their commitment and efforts in preparing the School and me for this leadership change. The journey to today has been exciting and affirming, and now it is with unabashed joy and eagerness that I look to the future.

The Wellington Board of Trustees has charged me with two priorities for the upcoming school year. First, that I focus on engaging with, learning about, and understanding the history, culture, values, and priorities of the School and its community; and second, that I work with the community to launch a collaborative strategic planning process to guide Wellington’s work for the next 3-5 years.

This note marks a starting point for the first goal – I would be grateful if you would introduce yourself and share your Wellington story with me. Please do this via the form link below or send me a note in response to this email. And, you will certainly hear more from me and the Board of Trustees in the coming months with opportunities to connect and offer input into the exciting future work in the second half of the upcoming school year.

Please tell me about your Wellington story by filling out this form.

Since my appointment as Wellington’s next Head of School last September, I have connected in some form or another with former heads David Blanchard, Rick O’Hara, Rob Brisk, and, of course, Jeff Terwin. I have learned of their love of and commitment to Wellington and of the School’s growth and accomplishments during their tenures. I am honored to be joining this lineage of school heads who have loved Wellington so much and so well, and I steadfastly commit to continuing their legacy as we look ahead to Wellington’s future. Thank you for trusting me with this great and humbling responsibility.

I look forward to meeting you as soon as possible.

Take good care and… Go, Jags!

Eliza McLaren
Head of School