Welcome Back to Upper School

Welcome Back to Upper School

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As we embark on a new school year, I am filled with a profound sense of hope and happiness. Having dedicated 22 years of my career to education, I firmly believe that schools are a unique space where optimism thrives. Despite life's challenges, Wellington remains a sanctuary of promise and possibility. Each year brings new opportunities for growth and the joy of learning. This year is no exception, and I am excited to see the incredible journeys your children will undertake.

The Wellington upper school experience is one of challenge and joy. This year, your child will be pushed academically, as we believe in their potential and strive to stretch their abilities. When challenged, students develop resilience, responsibility, and adaptability, preparing them for the complexities of tomorrow’s world. At the same time, we prioritize their well-being, ensuring that the challenges they face are met with support and understanding. This equilibrium between challenge and joy is crucial for their development and helps them become well-rounded individuals.

Wellington’s upper school encourages students to grow, connect, and excel in multiple dimensions of their lives. Our students discover their strengths and passions through advisory programs, athletic participation, and artistic expression. These experiences are not just about academic achievements but personal growth and building a sense of belonging. Students learn to collaborate, communicate, and lead in various activities. They enjoy their accomplishments and understand the value of perseverance and hard work.

Wellington is where students start to see their place in the world and imagine futures even brighter than today. Together, we guide your children to become curious, authentic, ambitious, empathetic, and responsible individuals. Our goal is to cultivate this sense of hope and joy, helping our children embrace the opportunities ahead. We are committed to creating an environment where every student feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.

In preparation for a year filled with learning, growth, and joy, I want to share our Back to School resources. You’ll find information on daily schedules, dress code, technology requirements, and all the steps you need to complete by August 16. You can also prepare for the upcoming year by attending one of our back to school events, which you can learn more about below.

Thank you for your partnership and trust. Together, we can make this year a remarkable journey. I look forward to seeing the wonderful accomplishments and experiences that await our students.


Rishikesh Raghunathan P '27 ’30
Head of Upper School

Upcoming Dates


  • Welcome to Wellington for Families New to Wellington (2-3 p.m., Thomas Family Dining Room/Upper School Commons)


  • Welcome Back to Wellington for Returning Families (3-4 p.m., Upper School Commons)


  • First Day of School


  • US Student Council Ice Cream Social & Picnic (6:30-8:30 p.m., Thomas Family Dining Room/Doerschlag Den/Patio)


  • Grade Level Field Trips


  • US Parent & Caregiver Night (6-8 p.m., Thomas Family Dining Room)