State of the School

February 20, 2025

State of the School

Head of School Eliza McLaren delivered the annual presentation of the State of the School to the Wellington community on February 20, 2025. Joined by Board of Trustees Chair Jim Croft and accompanied by the Blue Notes and Upper School Strings Ensemble, Ms. McLaren shared a comprehensive update on the state of the school and vision for the future. Highlights from her presentation and accompanying videos can be found below.

Our Mission

We help students find their purpose and realize their potential for tomorrow’s world. This simple, inspiring, and powerful statement guides our work and gives us clarity on why we are here. 

At Wellington, our mission doesn’t just live in a dusty frame in the head’s office. It is borne out every day in the work we do with students. We are a community of helpers who learn and grow together. We intentionally bring together people of diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, learning from one another while courageously upholding the shared values we all hold dear: Be curious, be yourself, be ambitious, be empathetic, be responsible. 

Over the past eight months, I have immersed myself in Wellington’s history—its founding story, its core values, why families choose Wellington and why they stay, and what this school means to all of you. At the same time, I’ve taken a deep dive into the current state of the school, looking with both a loving and critical eye at everything from academics, arts, and athletics to enrollment, financial health, philanthropy, facilities, college and career placement, and alumni engagement. I’ve also sought to understand the questions on your minds—the hopes, concerns, and aspirations that will shape our path forward. There is remarkable alignment in our vision for what’s next. The more I’ve come to know Wellington, the more excited I’ve become.

Head of School Goals

The Head of School goals were created in partnership with the Board of Trustees to advance the School in key areas during my first year.

  1. Listen and learn
  2. Strategic Sprints - Partner with the leadership team in identifying and advancing key areas of focus:
    • Academic program
    • Engagement and well-being ​
    • Upper School program, schedule, and messaging​
    • Athletics​
    • Enrollment planning​
  3. Advance Strategic & Campus Master Plans​

Listening Tour Findings

Over the last 18 months, I have engaged with a diverse range of voices across the Wellington community, including faculty and staff, all 21 trustees, three founding families, five former trustees, three former heads of school, and five heads of other regional independent schools.  

Additionally, I gathered insights from eight upper school student focus groups and the Wellington Alumni Association Board, as well as feedback from alumni, parents, and alumni parents through surveys. Broader student input has been collected via the Wellington Engagement Index, Authentic Connections survey, and course evaluations. All of this has been complemented by reports from enrollment and marketing consultants and our ISACS accreditation process. Upcoming parent and caregiver focus groups and a spring parent survey will further enrich our understanding.  

What is at the heart of Wellington? What should never change?


At its core, Wellington is an engaged group of students, educators, parents, and alumni who love learning and who build lasting community with each other. When people first experience the Wellington community, they immediately sense the joy, belonging, and spirit of ambition that, while hard to describe, is impossible to miss. 

Wellington’s strength is its diverse community of people united by their commitments to educational excellence and shared values. At Wellington, our differences do not divide us – rather, they make us stronger. I have heard from you, over and over again, that we do not want our sense of community or our commitment to educational excellence to change. They are so inherent to who we are that we would rather cease to exist as Wellington than sacrifice them.

Educational excellence at Wellington means helping students build a strong academic foundation of core skills such as reading comprehension, mathematical fluency, and clear and persuasive writing. These skills open doors throughout life and prepare students for future intellectual and personal success. And, we believe education must go far beyond these fundamentals. It must empower students through engaging learning opportunities to think critically and creatively, to communicate effectively, and to love learning.  

While we are a college preparatory school, our work with students extends beyond preparing them for success in college. We prepare them to become thriving, contributing adults in ways as unique and valuable as they are.  

As our students prepare to graduate into a landscape in which many of their future careers have yet to be imagined, we recognize the need to prepare them for unpredictability and to equip them to adapt, to find satisfaction in effort and contribution, and to lead lives of success and significance.  

Finally, and perhaps ironically, one of the most often cited things that should never change about Wellington is our ability to change. We are committed to always evolving. We are committed to learning and growing as individuals. We are committed to giving teachers the autonomy to be creative and try something new in a classroom or program. And we are willing as a school to be creative and imagine a future for our school that looks different from where we are today. We know that as our young people face immense opportunities and unprecedented complexity, Wellington must evolve too. We are eager and ready to envision and author our next chapter. 

I wanted you to hear directly from some of the people I spoke with about the heart of Wellington and all the wonderful things that should never change. Enjoy this video, including memories and reflections from founders, parents, teachers, administrators, and students. 


Head of School Goals: Progress

During my State of the School remarks, I highlighted a few examples of progress toward the strategic sprints. There has, of course, been much more progress on all five sprints than is listed below, and I look forward to sharing more with you as the year progresses.


Head of Early Childhood Shelley Brown will add assistant head of school for academics to her title next year, with Nicole Franks joining us from Laurel School in Cleveland to support her as assistant head of lower school. We have elevated Erica Clark’s role to director of student success for lower school and middle school. The strong team of learning specialists will be bolstered by additional student-facing support around reading, math, and executive function.

Additional full-time teaching staff are being added in areas where we need more support, more levels, or smaller class sizes – namely math in middle and upper School – and we have appointed curricular leads, or department chairs, in the core academic disciplines to be teacher leaders and add greater coordination and collaboration within their departments and across divisions.

Engagement is at the heart of educational excellence at Wellington. We do not want rote memorization or passive consumers of knowledge – we want students to be actively involved, curious, and passionate about their learning. Launched six years ago by then Head of School Rob Brisk with support from Ted Manley and the trustees, The Wellington Initiative is a social enterprise that helps schools measure student engagement. The software platform collects and analyzes self-reported student data on how much they are loving each of their classes and how challenged they are in each of their classes. This is based on Wellington’s definition of student engagement: when a student is both challenged by and loving their classes, they are engaged. 

Students at Wellington – and now at 200 schools, both public and private throughout the country – report six times a year via The Wellington Initiative their engagement levels in each of their classes. Teachers and administrators then analyze that data to identify opportunities and inform improvements. Each red dot on the graph below represents one class in Wellington’s middle and upper school.

You can see the vast majority of our sections are in the upper right quadrant which reflects that students report they are challenged in the course and they love it. That is where we want them. 

At The Wellington Initiative, we have hired a new director of business development, and my hope is that in the coming years we can continue to spread Wellington’s commitment to student engagement to schools and students all across America while also providing a significant alternative revenue source to the School.

We conducted the Authentic Connections survey earlier this year – a student well-being, belonging, and culture survey. We just received the full results and will set up a parent coffee to share those findings. One encouraging early finding: Authentic Connections provides schools with a well-being index based on their students’ responses to questions, and they characterize any score above 80% on this index as an indication of strong well-being within the student population. Wellington’s middle and upper school combined score was 91%, 11 points above the healthy line. While we always have more work to do, this is an affirming data point. 

Head of Upper School Rishi Raghunathan and Academic Dean Dr. Brandon Sullivan put countless hours of research and effort into building a brand new upper school schedule for next school year and articulating the opportunities for challenge in the curriculum. There are 140 exciting courses available next year, including courses that prepare students to take AP Exams so that they can enter college with credits where applicable. Read more about the upper school schedule and check out the 92-page course guide.  

Financial Overview

There are three levers that the finance committee and leadership can pull on when it comes to the School’s overall budget:

  1. Net tuition revenue

  2. Faculty-to-student ratio

  3. Compensation

At Wellington, we are committed to a low faculty-to-student ratio. We also want to prioritize affordability and we need to be conscious of the tuition price and tuition assistance. In tension with this is our commitment to having the best faculty of any school anywhere. Competitive salaries and benefits, as well as professional development funding, are critical expenditures.  

There is a fourth lever that Wellington doesn’t yet have at its disposal: endowment revenue. When schools are able to establish significant endowments, they can pull annual operating revenue of earned interest from the endowment, which can significantly increase the amount of compensation and the amount of tuition assistance the School is able to offer.  

Wellington is tuition-driven, with 89% of its revenue deriving from tuition. The Board of Trustees is committed to supporting socio-economic diversity in our student body. The tuition assistance program supports 39% of the student body, 12% of whom are children of faculty and staff who have access to the School’s 50% tuition remission program. The state fund revenue comes from Ohio to cover the costs of some imposed requirements, and auxiliary and other income refers to revenue from summer camps, rentals, programs such as Wellington Youth Basketball, etc.

The finance committee makes sure the budget is balanced prior to annual giving – meaning that our essential expenses are covered without relying on philanthropy – but knowing the community’s generosity allows us to make additional investments in people, projects, and tuition assistance. 

Wellington, like any other educational institution, is labor-intensive and spends the majority of its budget on salaries and benefits. Administrative expenses include things such as professional development and technology, instruction expenses are resources related to curriculum, books, learning supplies, travel expenses, etc., and operations expenses are mostly campus and facility maintenance.  

The budget-setting process begins in the fall of the year prior as the leadership team and trustees project enrollment and discuss tuition and salary increases. These are approved in the December trustee meeting and refined throughout the winter and spring.

As evidenced by the School's revenue and expenses, tuition revenue is closely tied to compensation expenditure. As we look to next school year, the larger than typical tuition increase comes alongside the largest overall salary pool increase in the School’s history.

The School’s total endowment plus cash reserves is around $6.5 million. Last spring, the School paid off about $4 million in debt, meaning we are debt-free. This is a major accomplishment that I give credit to my predecessor Jeff Terwin and the trustees for achieving.

Overall, we are financially stable, sustainable, and we have the ability to weather some bumps if they come, which hopefully they won’t. But there is opportunity for growth. An important benchmarking standard for independent schools is to have one times your operating budget in endowment net of debt, so in our case that’s $18.5 million. (Keep this in mind when comparing us to other schools who might have larger endowments than we have, but also have debt: the benchmark is total endowment minus total debt.) So reaching that benchmark would mean growing our endowment which would increase our total annual operating revenue significantly.

Enrollment Overview

This year, we saw the largest enrollment in the School’s history at 718 students, including 142 new students. The School continues to prioritize a diverse student body, with 40% students of color. We are slightly boy-heavy with 53% boys and 47% girls. We saw 9% attrition last year, with the largest portion of families leaving after prekindergarten or kindergarten for public school. Wellington’s attrition is two points lower than the ISACS average of 11% which means we’re in a good place though, of course, we always want attrition to be as low as possible..

Last year, we had 727 inquiries into the admissions office, 253 of which resulted in completed applications to the School. Of the 253, 173 were accepted (a 68% acceptance rate). Of those who were accepted, 142 enrolled (an 82% yield). Compared with our ISACS benchmark, we’re a few points below the average acceptance rate of 70% and a few points above the average yield rate 77%, meaning we are slightly better than the average in both areas.  

As we look to next year and beyond, the Board of Trustees has established a goal for strategic growth in enrollment leading up to the School’s 50th anniversary in 2032, when we hope to reach a student body of 800. We will maintain our commitment to small class sizes while growing.

We anticipate modest growth from this year toward our eventual goal of 800 – perhaps by 10-20 students from this year’s 718 total. As of now, we have 95% of re-enrollment contracts in for this year and we are trending ahead on applications compared to this time last year. We’re seeing high demand particularly in the kindergarten, grade 6, and grade 9 entry points. We will continue to be selective in acceptance against a set of criteria including academic readiness, family alignment with school mission and values, and the student’s likelihood to both succeed and make an impact at Wellington.

We are committed to adding staffing where necessary and considering classroom space constraints in the middle and upper schools – a critical issue we know we must address as we look ahead with strategic planning and campus planning.  

Philanthropy Overview

Like most independent schools, Wellington can count on the generosity of our community to support the School’s expenses. Looking back at the last ten years, our parent participation in The Wellington Fund has hovered around 50%. Participation in annual giving is one of the greatest indicators of family satisfaction with the School and belief in our mission, and we hope to build on our existing culture of philanthropy over time. 


Make a gift to The Wellington Fund



Parent participation for 2025 is already at 49% and we are only part way through the fiscal year! Moreover, we have not only exceeded our goal of $535,000 that we set this year, we have raised to date this year more than the School has raised in any full year in the past decade. Make your gift today

The Wellington Fund's success this year is thanks, in part, to the wild success of this fall’s Day of Giving. As for The Wellington Fund priorities, we are underway on the middle school locker rooms and remain actively committed to tuition assistance. Last year’s well-being funding priority helped fund our Authentic Connections surveys, professional development, and other budget line items related to well-being This year’s investments in civic engagement are permitting a summer travel program to the American South and significant upcoming professional development investments in project-based and discussion-based learning.

College Matriculation

Our seniors and college counselors work thoughtfully through the application process to select prospective colleges and universities that will enable students to do the things they love and be the people they want to be. As our seniors are still in the process of receiving decisions, the complete list of college choices will be posted in June.

Allegheny College​
College for Creative Studies ​
College of William & Mary​
Denison University​
Fordham University​
Loyola University Chicago​
New York University ​
Ohio University ​
Pennsylvania State University​
Rice University ​
The Ohio State University​
Vassar College​

The Ohio State University (16)​
Otterbein University (4)​
Miami University (3)​
Berry College​
Bowling Green State University​
Case Western Reserve University​
Chatham University​
Columbus State Community College​
Connecticut College​
Dallas College​
Denison University​
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University​
Garrett College
George Washington University​
Harvard University​
Harvey Mudd College​
Indiana University of Pennsylvania​
Kent State University​
Kenyon College​
Macquarie University​
Northeastern University​
Ohio Dominican University​
Ohio University​
Ohio Wesleyan University​
Pace University​
Rhodes College​
San Diego State University​
Sarah Lawrence College​
Smith College​
Tufts University​
University of Arizona​
University of Cincinnati​
University of Notre Dame​
University of Richmond​
University of Tampa​
Wake Forest University​
Xavier University of Louisiana


Strategic Plan

Our vision is to ensure Wellington’s learning environment empowers every student to reach their full potential in an opportunity-rich, albeit uncharted, landscape. Our vision forward is based on the shared belief that Wellington is uniquely positioned to redefine what it means to offer an education grounded in engagement, opportunity, and community connection. To do this, we need to focus strategically on advancing four key areas: 


More than anything, Wellington recognizes that a school’s success depends on its faculty. Wellington commits to being the employer of choice in Columbus for passionate, talented educators who love their work. We strive to attract, develop, and retain the best teachers by offering competitive, family-sustaining salaries and benefits while fostering a culture that ensures ample resources, time, professional development, mentorship, and autonomy.  

We will ensure the integrity and consistency of our foundational academic curriculum while expanding opportunities for engaging learning, including project-based, discussion-based, and place-based learning, entrepreneurial programs, and service learning. The driving goal is to graduate students with strong academic skills who possess the adaptability, high standards, and confidence to achieve and contribute in a rapidly changing landscape. We commit also to supporting access to the Wellington program for students and families and upholding our strong values in a welcoming and inclusive environment. This means increasing access to and the affordability of a Wellington education. 

As we grow enrollment, we will make sure our facilities and resources meet the needs of our program while maintaining the connected community that defines Wellington. We will upgrade, and in some cases overhaul, dated facilities and activate a new entrance into a modernized building on Fishinger Road and, in doing so, finish the campus vision and build out. We will also take greater advantage of learning opportunities throughout Columbus while considering our place within the city and our capacity to extend Wellington’s impact more broadly.  

We will ensure Wellington’s long-term sustainability through financial security and growth, expanding both tuition revenue and non-tuition revenue while building endowment support for our mission, teachers, and students for generations to come. We will make sure Wellington’s emphasis on student engagement is lasting and that Wellington is recognized for its leadership in measuring and optimizing engagement for students all over the country. Our alumni network will play a critical role in creating opportunities for one another, for current students, and for future generations of Wellington students.  

Wellington seeks to secure additional funding through The Wellington Initiative and a variety of fundraising efforts, notably including a capital campaign to support facilities and endowment. Our charge is to ensure Wellington remains financially sustainable with adequate resources to support an outstanding faculty, program, and physical plant.  


We are undertaking a year-long strategic planning process, including Tim Fish from Two Chairs Studio, who is leading the Board of Trustees through a strategic planning retreat in March and is partnering with the steering committee and me throughout the year to identify our vision. This will lead to a list of specific initiatives and timelines we can prioritize and commit to in the coming years. 

Simultaneously, the learning environments committee of the Board has been leading a campus master planning initiative to determine what is going to come next for our facility. 

Concurrent to all of that, we have engaged with a capital campaign consultant to begin assessing the community’s willingness to support and advance our goals related to the facility and endowment.  

Inclusive Strategic Plan Timeline Overview:​

  • August – January: Learning phase ​
  • February – May: Active phase leading to Strategic Plan in May, including March retreat led by Tim Fish
  • June – September: Polish and prepare to launch​
  • September 2025: Publish​

Capital Campaign:​

  • January – May 2025: Feasibility study​

Early Campaign Enthusiasm

We have seen significant early enthusiasm in capital fundraising toward these priorities, which is both giving me confidence in our ability to be ambitious and bold with our strategic plan, and also giving us the ability to take some early action to improve our campus and prepare for the next steps in campus master planning.  

One of our founders, Ken Ackerman, made a significant pledge to Wellington last year and has given us permission to allocate a major portion of that toward this upcoming campaign. I am so grateful to also share that Jim and Michelle Croft have recently made a lead gift of $500,000 to the campaign, which is incredibly generous and is also inspiring others to join them. 

Campus Updates

These recent philanthropic commitments allow us to complete phase 1 of the two-phase campus plan that has been developed over the course of this year, in large part based on our projected enrollment in the coming years. Phase 1 involves creating three new classrooms for our early childhood program. This will allow our Little Jags to move into the existing kindergarten rooms in the new wing. The current kindergarten will then move into three brand new and huge classrooms with their own flex space and plenty of space for learning, small group instruction, stations, and indoor play. These new classrooms will be built out in the ROHR, the large open room along the front of the building off the main lower school hall. The ROHR is currently used as a multipurpose space, which we have ensured the other gymnasiums can accommodate. 

Completing this first phase will not only enhance our early childhood program, it will open up the entire Fishinger Road side of the building, which will allow for an expansive phase 2 build and renovation in the coming years. The goal of phase 2 is to activate a new entrance on Fishinger Road where upper school students and faculty will park and enter. We will need to take down the portion of the original 1918 building which is currently closed off, and that will be replaced by more outdoor space and a newly constructed modern entrance space for the upper school.

The remainder of the facility will be completely renovated into a state-of-the-art upper school space with updated performing arts space, renovated music rooms, art rooms, common spaces and the courtyard, and academic spaces. This expansion will create more opportunity and a more modern, sophisticated facility for our upper school program. This also solves our pressing middle school space needs – they will have the chance to expand into the second floor where the upper school is currently located, gaining needed common space and classroom space.  

We will share more about the summer construction soon, and the complete campus master plan will be shared with release of the strategic plan this fall.


If there’s a headline for today, it’s this: The more I’ve come to know Wellington, the more excited I’ve become. Everything I was told about this school before I arrived has proven true.

Thank you for everything you do for Wellington. I’m so grateful to have been welcomed so warmly into this community and so proud of everything we are as a school. It is an incredible joy and honor to be your head of school. I have great confidence in Wellington and optimism for its future.