2023-24 Wellington Annual Fund - Your Giving in Action

2023-24 Wellington Annual Fund - Your Giving in Action

Dear Wellington Community,

Your investment in Wellington’s students and educators through gifts to the Annual Fund reflects your support for our school, its purpose, and its future. Wellington’s culture of continuous innovation grows out of annual giving and ensures our ongoing impact.

During the 2023-24 school year, Annual Fund contributions empowered students and faculty to construct the Wonderbus. This mobile classroom brings new dimensions to our students' education as they venture off campus to connect with diverse environments, expanding their engagement and learning.

Contributions to the Annual Fund also strengthened our well-being and belonging initiatives. Recognizing the importance of digital literacy, we invited clinical psychologist and author Dr. Catherine Steiner-Adair to speak with middle and upper school students about navigating online spaces.

Of personal importance to me, your support enabled Wellington to provide substantial tuition assistance, advancing our community’s commitment to diversity and ensuring that families across the socioeconomic spectrum can access a Wellington education. Because of tuition assistance, I had the transformative experience of attending an independent school. I am particularly proud to be part of a school community that clearly values this commitment.

Because of their time at Wellington, our alumni radiate confidence and drive change, which are outcomes of our mission to help students find their purpose and realize their potential for tomorrow’s world. Thank you for supporting Wellington's mission, educators, and students.

With gratitude,
Eliza McLaren
Head of School