Upper School February News

Upper School February News

Editor's note: The Course Brochure is currently going through an updated design before being released to the general public. Please reach out to Dr. Sullivan with questions. 


Dear Parents and Caregivers,

One of the most pivotal moments in a student’s academic journey is selecting courses for the next school year. These choices are more than just a schedule; they are opportunities for students to challenge themselves, explore new ideas, and take meaningful steps toward their future.

The 2025-2026 Upper School Course Brochure is now available, offering 140 courses across every discipline, including advanced/honors and electives in each department. This year’s course offerings were designed with one goal in mind: to provide students with the opportunity to engage deeply, think critically, and stretch themselves in exciting new ways. Whether they are drawn to college-level scientific research, exploring the intersection of psychology and neuroscience, analyzing global economic systems, or refining their skills as artists and writers, the breadth of options ensures that every student can find meaningful challenges that align with their interests and aspirations.

The Course Brochure and the new 5/4 Schedule were designed together. Students will have the time, structure, and flexibility to pursue deep learning, explore interdisciplinary connections, and take on meaningful academic challenges.

Key Details for Course Planning:

  • Over the next month, students will have time to review the Course Brochure and work with their advisors to complete their graduation checklists and map out their academic paths.
  • Course requests are due during spring conferences on March 13 and 14.
  • We anticipate releasing student schedules for next year in May.

As parents and caregivers, your conversations with your child will play an important role in helping them think about their course selections. Encouraging them to embrace challenge, take ownership of their learning, and pursue what excites them will help shape an academic experience that is both enriching and fulfilling.

At Wellington, students don’t just take courses; they build their own academic journeys. This is your child’s moment to explore, ask questions, and create a schedule that reflects who they are and where they want to go. The courses your children choose are the building blocks of their future, and we can’t wait to see the paths they will carve out for themselves.

When you have questions, you can reach out to Dr. Sullivan (sullivan@wellington.org), your child’s advisor, or me.

I wish our students a restful mid-winter break, and we will see them back at school on 2/18/25.



Rishi Raghunathan
Head of Upper School

Save the Date: State of the School & All Things Wellington 2025

  • Join us on Thursday, February 20, at 6:30 p.m. for an evening celebrating Wellington’s community and vision for the future. Head of School Eliza McLaren will share key insights, updates on current initiatives, and exciting plans ahead. The evening will also feature student performances and videos showcasing Wellington’s enduring values. We hope to see you there! Reserve your seats.