Planned Giving

Leave a Legacy, Empower the Future

Planned Giving

At The Wellington School, we believe in inspiring students to discover their passions, embrace innovation, and lead lives of purpose. By making a planned gift, you can help ensure that these opportunities continue for generations to come. Your thoughtful generosity will leave a lasting legacy, empowering future Wellington students and educators to thrive. 

Why Consider Planned Giving?

Planned giving allows you to make a meaningful impact on Wellington’s future while fulfilling your financial, philanthropic, and estate planning goals. Whether through a bequest in your will, a charitable trust, or another giving option, your gift ensures that Wellington remains a vibrant community for years to come. 

Ways to Give

Include Wellington in your will or living trust with a specific amount, percentage, or residue of your estate.

Provide income for you or a loved one while supporting Wellington’s mission.

Name Wellington as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other retirement accounts. 

Designate Wellington as a beneficiary of a new or existing policy. 

Convert appreciated assets into lifetime income for you or others, with the remainder benefiting the school. 

Donors may take advantage of the opportunity to make a Charitable IRA Rollover (also known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution), a nontaxable distribution made directly by the administrator of an IRA to a qualified public charity. Please contact for more information.


Your Impact

When you make a planned gift to Wellington, you support our core mission and values. Your gift can: 

  • Help expand access to a Wellington education through tuition assistance.
  • Enhance our facilities, creating cutting-edge learning environments for students.
  • Fund innovative programming that enriches the educational experience.
  • Support our exceptional educators, ensuring they have the resources they need to inspire the leaders of tomorrow. 

Join the Legacy Society 

Donors who include Wellington in their estate plans become part of the Wellington Legacy Society, a community of visionaries dedicated to securing our school’s future. Legacy Society members receive special recognition and invitations to exclusive events that celebrate their commitment to Wellington. 

Planning your legacy is a personal journey and we are here to help.