Before you build new content, templates or emails, it's important to know how your messaging and visuals fit with the Wellington brand style. So buckle up, and get ready to think like a brand advocate.
The Basics
Get a complete and in-depth look at the Wellington brand, including our core messaging, design elements, and guidance on appropriate application. Click here or access via the resource links on the side of this page.
How we communicate is part of who we are. Read on to explore the what, the why and the how of Wellington’s official communications.
We are stewards of words—not too many, and just the right ones.
- Resist the urge to write paragraphs as if our value were based on word count
- Make it worth our readers’ time to scroll, click, or learn more
- Sweat the word choice, not settling for the easiest or most common
We commit ourselves to an expansive vocabulary.
- Our writing should be sprinkled with challenge words—not to intimidate or impress, but to leave our audience smarter
- We don't hide behind education jargon— we find a more inclusive option, possibly even something you’d never expect an “educational institution” would say
Our words should provoke thought and inquiry rather than merely describe.
- Explicitly through thought- provoking questions or implicitly through compelling statements, we keep our audience engaged in a silent dialogue
- Limit the common, expected must-have words and call them out as such when they really must be used
Reference the quick hit list in the link on the side of this page for important specifications for large group emails.
The tone and grammar of our parent emails help bring our brand into living color!