The Members of the ''Original'' Class of 1989
These stories originally appeared in the spring/summer 2014 issue of the Wellington Magazine.

Since the beginning of Wellington, the 32 members of the first graduating class have always been the self-pronounced leaders of the student body. From the first time they walked through the doors in 6th grade to now, as they prepare to celebrate their 25 year reunion, this class has paved the way. “They have always had a responsibility to those who followed them by setting the tone and precedence of what Wellington is,” stated Sue Bonvallet, Wellington’s former Latin teacher.
Opening day of The Wellington School was exciting, because Wellington was brand new for everyone – not just the students, but also for the Head of School, the teachers, the staff, and the parents. Jeff Swaddling ’89 said “I still remember walking into my 6th grade classroom for the first time and reading the chalkboard, which said, “My Name is Mr. Smith. This is The Wellington School.” That simple message reminded me that we were a part of something different and completely original.”
Throughout their seven years, the class of 1989 had a chance to be a part of many firsts at Wellington. The first sports teams, performing arts programs, Upper School, Pinson Day, Student Government, senior prank and much more. Together, they built a community and started traditions that still happen today. Cama (Bonneau) Piccini remembers sitting with Dave Thomas on Wellington’s first day, ski trips to Breckenridge, and Mr. Stewart’s yellow Bug in the school.
The graduation ceremony was one to remember as faculty, staff, parents, and students gathered together outside in the heat of June for the first ever Wellington graduation. Mr. David Blanchard, Head of the School at the time, had the honor of conducting the ceremony and welcoming this class as the first alumni of Wellington.
This class has led and will continue to lead the path of what it means to be a graduate of The Wellington School. The many things that they have accomplished in the 25 years since leaving Wellington has showcased the faith they had back in 1982 to be a part of something unique was well worth the risk. Many members of the graduating class are married, have children, volunteer with Wellington and in their community, and are very successful in their careers. These careers include, but are not limited to, presidents or CEOs of various businesses, lawyers, physicians, digital strategists, recruitment managers, and bankers. Some of them serve on various Boards of Trustees for different organizations, including The Wellington School, and volunteer at local non-profits in their communities.